There are two pieces of news - the first one bad, and the second one very good!
1. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer any kind of financial support for students who come and present a paper at our conference in February.
2. There are other grants that you may try to apply for in order to reimburse your expenses connected with travelling, accommodation and food during our event.
So if you would like to get a grant in order to present a paper at our conference, these possibilities may be of some interest to you:
*The Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS) offers financial support for its members who are planning to present a paper in the field of Canadian studies at a conference. All student members of CEACS can apply for these conference grants (up to the value of 200 EUR) if they decide to present a paper on a Canadian topic in Bratislava.
*In order to get such a grant, please have a look at their conditions.
*If you are not a member of the CEACS, do not worry! You can become one next year (the application deadline is March 31, 2016) and claim your conference grant in the next round. Just have a look at the membership. And do not forget that the CEACS membership is open to all teachers, students and other individuals with an interest in Canadian Studies.
*If you have any further questions about CEACS, their conference grants or are just unsure about what to do with this information, please do not hesitate to contact Martina Bednáriková (mattie.bednarik@gmail.com) who is more than ready to answer all your questions!
*If you are a student in one of the following universities (which are all in the Inter-American Studies Network CIII-AT-0503-05-1516), you can apply for a “short term excursion” scholarship category within the CEEPUS program.
University of Graz, Austria
St.Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Paisii Hilendarski Plovdiv Unviersity, Bulgaria
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Palacký University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic
University of Pécs, Hungary
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Hungary
Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania
University of Novi Sad, Serbia
University of Belgrade, Serbia
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
*All students of an above-mentioned CEEPUS University that are also citizens of a CEEPUS member state are eligible for a grant (category “short term excursion”). You need to have completed two semesters of a regular course of studies by the time you are being exchanged with CEEPUS.
*If you have any further information, please contact the CEEPUS coordinator at your home university or Martina Bednáriková (mattie.bednarik@gmail.com) who is more than ready to answer all your questions!
*Many universities support their own students who conduct some research and present a paper at a conference. Please do contact your own university coordinators (it is usually Office of International Relations) in order to obtain further information regarding the individual university grants, conditions as well as application process as such.