Inter-American Studies
Darinka Markovic
She is currently enrolled at M.A. programme in English Literature at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She was a participant in Graz University Summer School 2012. Her prime interests include literature, cultural theory, literary translation and visual arts. Currently, she is doing a research for my M.A. thesis which most likely will deal with English drama.
"Indian or American or both? National identity in Sherman Alexie’s The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven"
Rixt van Dongera
Rixt is a 3rd-year student at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Groningen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.) She is an American Studies student. Her interests include history, anthropology, cultural studies and political science. Next to her academic interests, Rixt enjoys playing a wide range of sports. During her studies Rixt spent a semester abroad at Furman University in the United States, where she gained some first-hand experience with the country she studies.
"American Indian isolation is key: Indigenous collaboration will lead to a cultural perserverance of Native American tribes"
Zuzana Jakúbková
Zuzana interns in Habitat for Humanity International with specialisation on internet media. She also translates American science fiction authors such as Robert Reed and Brad R. Torgersen. She is currently attending Comenius University, Bratislava and studies for her Masters in Journalism.
"Mass Media in Americas – Comparative Study"

Sophie Welling
Sophie is currently finishing up her Masters in American Studies at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands. She holds two Bachelor degrees (in American Studies and Philosophy) and studied abroad at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She was a participant at the 2011 Graz University Summer School and intern in 2012. She is most interested in Early American History, identity and migration theory, cultural studies, and political philosophy - combinations made possible by the interdisciplinary nature of (inter-)American Studies. The paper she will present at the conference is based on a final paper she wrote for an MA course called ‘Identity in Postethnic America’ and deals with identity issues in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands represented by the characters in two recent films.
“The Chevy, the Virgin, and the Dream: Hybridity, Heritage, and Homeland in A Better Life and La Misma Luna”

Martina Bednáriková
Martina is a MA student at the Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in Bratislava in the field of teaching (Slovak and English). She considers it a life-long mission and therefore she devotes to it her free time as well. Martina is a teacher at Royalschool language school in Bratislava and works for British Council. She took part in the International Summer School Seggau as well as Graz University Summer School "On the Americas". She is a member of the Central European Association for Canadian Studies and the Slovak Chamber of English Teachers. She took part in the 1st Student Conference on the Inter-American Studies as well as the 6th International Conference of CEACS entitled "Democracy, Diversity, Dignity: The Canadian Space". Her research interest lies in the history and culture of the North American Indians.She is a co-organizer of both Student Conferences on the Inter-American Studies.
Dances With The Damned: The One Who Dared
Matteo Scotto
Matteo has been a Joint Masters Degree Student in English and American Studies at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice since 2011, the same year he was on the shortlist for the Joint Masters Degree. At the moment he is spending my study period abroad at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg, where he is attending lectures and seminars in Political Science and International Relations. His research interests fall mainly in the field of US Foreign Policy, with current thesis research focusing on US Neoconservatism and Neoliberalism in relation to Europe’s and Mario Monti’s political positions. Last summer Matteo was granted a scholarship by the International School of Venice for the GUSS Summer school “The Americas”, where he attended a Politics Sminar on subject of International Courts of Justice and Human Rights in the American context.
"The torch under the bushel:Cold war, Nicaragua and the Iran-Contra Affair"
Guillaume Malingri de Bagnolo
Guillaume is currently attending a Masters programme in International Relations at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, a law and economics university, combined with the History department of the University of Paris IV Sorbonne. Prior to this he completed a three-year preparatory course for France’s selective postgraduate schools and was accepted at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in English. He was therefore able to complete a one-year non-degree exchange programme at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts in Cinema Studies. On his return to France he studied Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian at the INALCO (National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations).
"Power in international relations between 1815 and 1914: the French perception of the United States before 1914 "
Armando Garcia Teixeira / Blaž Spruk
Armando Garcia Teixeira Blaž Spruk
Armando Garcia Teixeira
Graduating in Political Science while attending a Master programme on Political Theory at the University of Ljubljana. I attended the summer school on Inter-American Studies organized by the University of Graz in 2010 and the summer school on Revolution at the University of Tallinn, Estonia in 2012. My interests include political philosophy, political theory, sociology and psychology taking into account topics such as: subjectivity, identity, emancipation, revolution, postmodernism, postmarxism, poststructuralism, posthumanism, Latin American political thought and postsocialist societies. At the moment I focus my research on theories of the subject and practices of emancipation. In 2012 I also took part in the development of the educational platform
Blaž Spruk
Graduated in political science, currently enrolled at Masters programe of Political Theory at University of Ljubljana. Also studied at Masaryk University in Brno for one semester. Interests include philosophy, psychoanalysis, sociology and political science, with emphasis on studies of resistance, rebellion, violence and mass behavior. Active in several political movements such as 15o and student movements. Also participated in creation of youth educational project
"Sendero-Luminoso in the Andean region and its political and economic practices"
Florina Harb
Title of the paper
"Drug dealing in Latin American states, its consequences, implications and representation in literature and visual art"
Magdaléna Lišuchová
Title of the paper
Engagement of US companies and banks in Latin America and the background of their activities
Tatyana Goncharova
Tatyana is a graduate of the Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where she obtained both a BA and a MA degrees in Foreign Philology. Currently she is working at her alma-mater as a teacher of English, Culture of Verbal Communication, Linguocultural Studies, and Literature at the Translation Department. The areas of Tatyana’s work obviously constitute her interests both in profession and in life in general. Moreover, she is truly keen on travelling, visiting various countries, meeting people of different origins and background, and enlarging the knowledge about world cultures. Tatyana has previously been to Poland, Russia, Austria, and Germany, being lucky enough to participate in the youth conferences, the Solidarity Academy, the International Summer School on the Americas, and the International Model United Nations there
Title of the paper
"The Division of Fantastic and Magic Real in Poe’s and Latin American Writings"
Mirna Marić
Mirna holds a MA in English Language and Literature- Translation studies and Pedagogy. She received her BA and MA from Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies from the University of Osijek, Croatia. She participated in 2012 International Summer School Seggau “Leadership and Education – the Future of Europe. She devotes her research to the modern American and post colonial literature. Her interest lies in literature, especially postcolonial literature and African studies, American literature with special interest in Southern writers and African American studies.
Title of the paper.
The Two Americas: The World of the Rich in F.S. Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and the World of the poor in J. Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath